Welcome to Lledoshuffle
We have been buying and selling Lledo since 2004 and are based in the rolling hills of Derbyshire.
The models are all pre-owned, boxed and in very good condition unless otherwise stated in the short description section.
The boxes however do range in condition, some may have the Lledo model reference number and/or livery name written on the box from previous owners, others may have small tears to the end flaps through opening or maybe have price labels attached.
Should we consider the box to be in a poor condition, it will be mentioned in the short description section.
There are quite a lot of variations to the body, baseplate, roof, wheels and tyres to Lledo models, more details have been added to the website, we hope this additional information helps.
In the DG06 range we have taken the same referencing for the model body, baseplate and roof from the very informative guide provided by Mr M. Allenden which is shown below as a pdf document and should open in a new tab.
Model T Ford Van Variation Guide
Our new look website now shows quite clearly if there is more than 1 model available as a purchase item, rather than the “add to basket” link, you will see a “select options” link. These options will have some kind of variation maybe a radiator type, reversed baseplate, a colour variation, tampo print to one side only, different style wheels or hubs, the list is endless.
All additional notes and comments made in the Days Gone section of the website regarding casting variations are taken from the “RDP Publications Lledo Collectors Guide, The Millennium Edition” which catalogues models produced between 1983 – 1999 by Lledo plc.
Commencing 17 March 2025 until 30 April 2025 we are offering 20% off any Lledo Set, this offer is exclusive to the Lledo Sets Page only with a minimum spend of £10.00 to qualify, just enter the code Set20 at checkout stage to receive this discount.
From 1 January 2025 we have introduced a reward system where you can earn points on your purchases.
How it works:
For every £1 spent (excluding postage and any other discounts that are applicable at the time) you will receive 1 reward point.
500 reward points is equal to a 5% discount on any future purchase
1500 reward points is equal to a 10% discount on any future purchase
3000 reward points is equal to a 15% discount on any future purchase
6000 reward points and over gives you a 20% discount on any future purchase
Why not join our WhatsApp group to receive timely messages regarding future discounts on the site, simply send a message to include your mobile telephone number and we will add you to our members list.
View Vans, Souvenir Buses and Trams
We are often asked if we sell View Vans, Souvenir Buses and Souvenir Trams, the simple answer is yes we do.
These items appear in the relevant LP sections and are prefixed by VV (View Vans), SB (Souvenir Buses) and ST (Souvenir Trams).
We also have a small selection of 3 wheeled Wales & Edwards (W&E) Milk Floats which are listed within the DG200 and onwards section, we simply did not know which category to list these in so have added them to this page simply because the Lledo Electric Milk Float models, DG204 are listed here.
We try to keep you as up to date as possible so please keep checking the website for our latest news which will be announced on the new stock page.
We check the website on a weekly basis but we are not infallible, models may slip through the net and appear on the site when they have in fact been sold. Naturally we refund the cost plus a proportionate amount of the postage value. We apologise in advance if this should occur.
New In
As a reminder any item purchased from the Lledo Books, Guides and Memorabilia page offers free postage to UK buyers.
Keep checking our New Stock page for news and information on recently purchased models.
We welcome any questions or enquiries about Lledo models appearing on this website should you need further information.
To help we have compiled a page of Frequently Asked Questions
This is particularly helpful if you are wishing to sell either your own collection or be it a collection you have inherited, if you have less than 100 models available we suggest that you contact your local auction house for assistance.