DG07002b, Model A Ford Woody Wagon, Ford Sales & Service

SKU DG7002 version b with headboard


1 in stock

with headboard, black 20 spoke wheels, 4 figure base

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Casting variations:

In 1984 the baseplate read DG7-DG9 but later in year DG13 & DG14 were added to the front and rear axle. The baseplate changed again in 1985 to read DG7-9-13-14 with the numbers on the axle covers blanked off. The horizontal panel below the advertising space was flush filled to aid tampo printing, as shown in this exampleA roof advertising blade and spare wheel at the rear were introduced in 1985. In late 1990 a further change to the baseplate was made, this new baseplate read 7-9-13-4-37

Additional Information

Weight 250 g